Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales Numbers: How Much Did Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sell?

What is Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood?

Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood was a popular Shooter game that was released in 2005 . It was a game loved by thousands in it’s community who seemingly played it all day, everyday! The game was created by the company Ubisoft and was played on the PlayStation 2 (PS2).

Name Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood
Platform PlayStation 2 (PS2)
Year 2005
Genre Shooter
Publisher Ubisoft
Sales in North America 380,000
Sales in Europe 10,000
Sales in Japan 0
Sales in the rest of the world 60,000
Total Global Sales 460,000

Want to learn about the Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood sales numbers? Below we’ll share an in-depth breakdown of the sales numbers for Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood along with a few crazy facts.

How many people played Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood?

In total, roughly 460,000people bought and played the Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood game! That means 1 in every 17,407 people in the world played Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood! Want to join all these people in a game of Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood? Buy the Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood game on Amazon today.

Breaking Down Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales by Region

We now know that Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood sold to 460,000 people, but how were these sales distributed by region? Did North America buy more Brothers In Arms: Earned in Bloodthan Europe? Keep reading to find out!

Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales in North America

The Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood game sold about 380,000 times in North America, which includes the United States, Canada and Mexico. With that amount of sales, that means 1 in every 1,333 people you see in North America have a copy of Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood laying at home.

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Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales in Europe

In Europe, the Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood game sold about 10,000 times. If you do the math, that’s means 1 out of every people in the EU have bought the Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood game!

Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales in Japan

The Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood game sold about 0 times in Japan. With those numbers, that means 1 in every people you see in Japan have purchased Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood!

Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales in the Rest of the World
Throughout the rest of the world, the Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood game was about 60,000 times. That means, when you exclude North America, Europe and Japan, 1 in every across the globe has a copy of Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood ready to play!

Comparing Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales to Other Ubisoft Games

After sampling a group of 921 video games made by Ubisoft, the average number of total sales was 515,440. Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood underperformed this average by roughly 55,440 sales. In North America specifically, the average Ubisoft game sold 275,168, which is 104,832 less than the 380,000 Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood sales in North America.

For comparison, the top selling Ubisoft video games are:

1. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag with 13,160,000 total sales
2. Assassin’s Creed III with 13,100,000 total sales
3. Just Dance 3 with 12,920,000 total sales
4. Assassin’s Creed II with 11,410,000 total sales
5. Assassin’s Creed with 11,300,000 total sales

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Want to play more games made by Ubisoft? Shop the best Ubisoft games on Amazon today.

Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales vs Other Games Released in 2005

After sampling a group of 941 video games released in 2005, the average number of total sales was 488,778. Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood this average by roughly 28,778 sales. In North America specifically, the average video game in the Shooter genre sold 257,821, which is 122,179 less than the 380,000 Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood sales in North America.

For comparison, the top selling video games released in 2005 are:

1. Nintendogs with 24,760,000 total sales
2. Mario Kart DS with 23,420,000 total sales
3. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day with 20,220,000 total sales
4. Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day with 15,300,000 total sales
5. with 12,270,000 total sales

Want to play more games released in 2005? Shop the best games from 2005 on Amazon today.

Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales vs Other PlayStation 2 (PS2) Games

After sampling a group of 2,161 PlayStation 2 (PS2) video games, the average number of total sales was . Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood underperformed this average by roughly 121,046 sales. In North America specifically, the average PlayStation 2 (PS2) game sold 270,171, which is 109,829 less than the 380,000 Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood sales in North America.

For comparison, the top selling video games are:

1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with 20,810,000 total sales
2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City with 20,810,000 total sales
3. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec with 14,980,000 total sales
4. Grand Theft Auto III with 13,100,000 total sales
5. Gran Turismo 4 with 11,660,000 total sales

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Want to play other PlayStation 2 (PS2) games? Shop the best PlayStation 2 (PS2) games on Amazon today.

Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Sales vs Other Games in the Shooter Genre

After sampling a group of 1,310 Shooter video games, the average number of total sales was 791,885. Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood underperformed this average by roughly 331,885 sales. In North America specifically, the average video game in the genre sold 444,733, which is 64,733 more than the 380,000 Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood sales in North America.

For comparison, the top selling video games in the genre are:

1. Call of Duty: Black Ops with 31,030,000 total sales
2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 with 30,830,000 total sales
3. Call of Duty: Black Ops II with 29,720,000 total sales
4. Duck Hunt with 28,310,000 total sales
5. Call of Duty: Ghosts with 27,380,000 total sales

Want to play other Shooter games? Shop the best Shooter games on Amazon today.

Is Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Worth It?

In our opinion, the answer is yes! It’s a great Shooter game made by a great game maker, Ubisoft. With 460,000 people who bought the game, I think you can rest assured that Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood is worth it!



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