Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales Numbers: How Much Did Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sell?

What is Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes?

Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes was a popular Adventure game that was released in 2011 . It was a game loved by thousands in it’s community who seemingly played it all day, everyday! The game was created by the company Her Interactive and was played on the PC.

Name Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes
Platform PC
Year 2011
Genre Adventure
Publisher Her Interactive
Sales in North America 30,000
Sales in Europe 0
Sales in Japan 0
Sales in the rest of the world 0
Total Global Sales 30,000

Want to learn about the Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes sales numbers? Below we’ll share an in-depth breakdown of the sales numbers for Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes along with a few crazy facts.

How many people played Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes?

In total, roughly 30,000people bought and played the Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes game! That means 1 in every 266,914 people in the world played Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes! Want to join all these people in a game of Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes? Buy the Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes game on Amazon today.

Breaking Down Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales by Region

We now know that Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes sold to 30,000 people, but how were these sales distributed by region? Did North America buy more Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashesthan Europe? Keep reading to find out!

Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales in North America

The Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes game sold about 30,000 times in North America, which includes the United States, Canada and Mexico. With that amount of sales, that means 1 in every 16,888 people you see in North America have a copy of Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes laying at home.

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Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales in Europe

In Europe, the Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes game sold about 0 times. If you do the math, that’s means 1 out of every people in the EU have bought the Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes game!

Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales in Japan

The Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes game sold about 0 times in Japan. With those numbers, that means 1 in every people you see in Japan have purchased Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes!

Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales in the Rest of the World
Throughout the rest of the world, the Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes game was about 0 times. That means, when you exclude North America, Europe and Japan, 1 in every across the globe has a copy of Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes ready to play!

Comparing Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales to Other Her Interactive Games

After sampling a group of 1 video games made by Her Interactive, the average number of total sales was 30,000. Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes outperformed this average by roughly 0 sales. In North America specifically, the average Her Interactive game sold 30,000, which is 0 more than the 30,000 Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes sales in North America.

For comparison, the top selling Her Interactive video games are:

1. Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes with 30,000 total sales
2. Hip Interactive with 360,000 total sales
3. Fear Factor: Unleashed with 140,000 total sales
4. Pariah with 100,000 total sales
5. Around the World in 80 Days with 50,000 total sales

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Want to play more games made by Her Interactive? Shop the best Her Interactive games on Amazon today.

Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales vs Other Games Released in 2011

After sampling a group of 1,139 video games released in 2011, the average number of total sales was 453,020. Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes this average by roughly 423,020 sales. In North America specifically, the average video game in the Adventure genre sold 211,642, which is 181,642 more than the 30,000 Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes sales in North America.

For comparison, the top selling video games released in 2011 are:

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 with 30,830,000 total sales
2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim with 19,280,000 total sales
3. Battlefield 3 with #N/A total sales
4. FIFA 12 with 13,150,000 total sales
5. with 12,920,000 total sales

Want to play more games released in 2011? Shop the best games from 2011 on Amazon today.

Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales vs Other PC Games

After sampling a group of 960 PC video games, the average number of total sales was . Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes underperformed this average by roughly 239,604 sales. In North America specifically, the average PC game sold 97,167, which is 67,167 more than the 30,000 Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes sales in North America.

For comparison, the top selling video games are:

1. The Sims 3 with 8,110,000 total sales
2. World of Warcraft with 8,110,000 total sales
3. Diablo III with 5,200,000 total sales
4. Microsoft Flight Simulator with 5,120,000 total sales
5. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty with 4,830,000 total sales

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Want to play other PC games? Shop the best PC games on Amazon today.

Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Sales vs Other Games in the Adventure Genre

After sampling a group of 1,286 Adventure video games, the average number of total sales was 185,879. Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes underperformed this average by roughly 155,879 sales. In North America specifically, the average video game in the genre sold 82,271, which is 52,271 more than the 30,000 Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes sales in North America.

For comparison, the top selling video games in the genre are:

1. Assassin’s Creed with 11,300,000 total sales
2. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins with 11,180,000 total sales
3. L.A. Noire with 5,950,000 total sales
4. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link with 4,380,000 total sales
5. Rugrats: Search For Reptar with 3,340,000 total sales

Want to play other Adventure games? Shop the best Adventure games on Amazon today.

Is Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes Worth It?

In our opinion, the answer is yes! It’s a great Adventure game made by a great game maker, Her Interactive. With 30,000 people who bought the game, I think you can rest assured that Nancy Drew: Alibi In Ashes is worth it!



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